Hysys Excel Automation Training

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hysys Tutorial to Link Hysys Streams on Excel

How to link Hysys Simulation to Excel?
Open Example1.HSC. This file is generated in Aspen Hysys V7.1, may not work in previous version of Hysys, such as Hysys 2006 or Hysys 3.2. If you have older version of Hysys, make your own simulation with two streams named FEED1 and FEED2. Here is some operating condition of the streams.

Linking between Hysys Simulations and Excel using Macro VBA (Visual Basic Application). Create new module in Macro VBA and put this code.

Option Explicit

Public hyApp As HYSYS.Application
Public simCase As SimulationCase
Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application")    hyApp.Visible = True    Set simCase = hyApp.ActiveDocument    If simCase Is Nothing Then        fileName = Worksheets("inputhysys").Range("c2")                 If fileName <> "False" And simCase Is Nothing Then            Set simCase = GetObject(fileName, "HYSYS.SimulationCase")            simCase.Visible = True        End If    End If 

Note: I put directory address of Hysys file (HSC file) in cell C2. And the address is H:\BLOG\hysys\example1.hsc.

How to Access Hysys Streams from Excel?
Put this code to make link to Hysys Streams
Public FEED1 As ProcessStream, FEED2 As ProcessStream
Set FEED1 = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("FEED1")
How to Export Data from Excel To Hysys Simulation?
How to Import Data from Hysys Streams to Excel File?
Write down this code to export and import data from and to excel

Set FEED1 = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("FEED1")Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D6").Value = FEED1.MassFlow.GetValue("LB/HR")       ' import data MASS FLOWRATE from hysys streamsWorksheets("Sheet1").Range("D7").Value = FEED1.Pressure.GetValue("PSIG")       ' import data PRESSURE from hysys streamsWorksheets("Sheet1").Range("D8").Value = FEED1.Temperature.GetValue("C")       ' import data TEMPERATURE from hysys streams

Set FEED2 = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("FEED2")    PRESSFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H7").Value    FEED2.Pressure.SetValue PRESSFEED2, "PSIA"         ' export pressure    FLOWFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H6").Value    FEED2.MolarFlow.SetValue FLOWFEED2, "MMSCFD"      ' export molar flowrate    TEMPFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H8").Value    FEED2.Temperature.SetValue TEMPFEED2, "F"           ' export temperature

Hysys file can be found here
Excel file can be found here


Here is complete code from example.xls

Option Explicit
Public hyApp As HYSYS.Application
Public simCase As SimulationCase
Public FEED1 As ProcessStream, FEED2 As ProcessStream

Public Sub StartHYSYS()
Dim fileName As String
Dim PRESSFEED2 As Double, FLOWFEED2 As Double, TEMPFEED2 As Double
    Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application")
    hyApp.Visible = True
    Set simCase = hyApp.ActiveDocument
    If simCase Is Nothing Then
        fileName = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("c2")
        If fileName <> "False" And simCase Is Nothing Then
            Set simCase = GetObject(fileName, "HYSYS.SimulationCase")
            simCase.Visible = True
        End If

    End If
    Set FEED1 = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("FEED1")
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D6").Value = FEED1.MassFlow.GetValue("LB/HR")       ' import data MASS FLOWRATE from hysys streams
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D7").Value = FEED1.Pressure.GetValue("PSIG")       ' import data PRESSURE from hysys streams
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D8").Value = FEED1.Temperature.GetValue("C")       ' import data TEMPERATURE from hysys streams
    Set FEED2 = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("FEED2")
    PRESSFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H7").Value
    FEED2.Pressure.SetValue PRESSFEED2, "PSIA"         ' export pressure
    FLOWFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H6").Value
    FEED2.MolarFlow.SetValue FLOWFEED2, "MMSCFD"         ' export molar flowrate
    TEMPFEED2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H8").Value
    FEED2.Temperature.SetValue TEMPFEED2, "F"          ' export temperature
End Sub

Hysys Stream Parameters and units can be found here. REMEMBER TO TYPE UNIT AND PARAMETER AS DESCRIBED HERE. ,


  1. hi.this is a very nice blog to guide a newbie in hysys-excel automation. thanks for sharing. anw, I have a question here. Can you do the hysys-excel automation without opening the hysys file?? I want to do this since it'll be more simple and save our cpu workspace. I've tried it but got some problems in the "ActiveDocument" syntax. is there any solution to do this?? thanks.

  2. Hi budibadibu, edit this code

    "Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application") hyApp.Visible = True"
    by this one
    "Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application") hyApp.Visible = FALSE"

    Basically, your hysys file is remainingly active, but invisible. It may save you cpu workspace. But I prefer to let it visible, so I'll know if my simulation is getting divergen.

    Hope that's help.

  3. thanks for your answer =D. But i still get trouble with it. The message box will pop up and tell :
    run-time error'91: Object variable or With block variable not set

    here is all of my syntax for this sub, hope you can help me =D thank you very much.

    Public hycase As SimulationCase
    Public hyApp As HYSYS.Application
    Public hyOps As Operations
    Public hyFeed1, hyFeed2, hyFeed3, hyFeed4
    Public hyFS
    Public hyMix As MixerOp
    Public hysysPath As String
    Public hyPipes As PipeSegment

    Public Sub HYSYSAuto()

    'How to make connection from HYSYS and EXCEL
    hysysPath = Sheets("coba").Range("a1")
    Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application")
    hyApp.Visible = False
    'hyApp.SimulationCases.Open _
    Set hycase = hyApp.ActiveDocument
    Set hyFS = hycase.Flowsheet (the debugger stop here)
    Set hyOps = hyFS.Operations
    'Assigning variable to material streams
    Set hyFeed1 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-01")
    Set hyFeed2 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-02")
    Set hyFeed3 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-03")
    Set hyFeed4 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-04")
    Set hyMix = hyOps.Item("MIX-100")
    MsgBox "Connection made."

    End Sub

  4. thanks for the answer =D. but i stil get trouble with it. The message box will pop up like this :
    Run-time error'91':Object variable or With block variable not set
    Below is all of my syntax for this sub. hope u can help me =D. Thank you very much for your help.

    Public hycase As SimulationCase
    Public hyApp As HYSYS.Application
    Public hyOps As Operations
    Public hyFeed1, hyFeed2, hyFeed3, hyFeed4
    Public hyFS
    Public hyMix As MixerOp
    Public hysysPath As String
    Public hyPipes As PipeSegment

    Public Sub HYSYSAuto()

    'How to make connection from HYSYS and EXCEL
    hysysPath = Sheets("coba").Range("a1")
    Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application")
    hyApp.Visible = False
    'hyApp.SimulationCases.Open _
    Set hycase = hyApp.ActiveDocument
    Set hyFS = hycase.Flowsheet (* the debugger will stop here)
    Set hyOps = hyFS.Operations
    'Assigning variable to material streams
    Set hyFeed1 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-01")
    Set hyFeed2 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-02")
    Set hyFeed3 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-03")
    Set hyFeed4 = hyFS.MaterialStreams("DRJ-04")
    Set hyMix = hyOps.Item("MIX-100")
    MsgBox "Connection made."

    End Sub

  5. hey friends.he2.actually i've solved it by looking your syntax in your post. I didn't look it carefully. Thanks for your help. =D.

  6. It seems your code is not complete yet. hyFeed1 (and other streams) is not set correctly. Your streams declaration is not complete.

    Remove "Public hyFeed1, hyFeed2, hyFeed3, hyFeed4", try this

    "Public hyFeed1 as ProcessStream, hyFeed2 as ProcessStream, hyFeed3 as ProcessStream, hyFeed4 as ProcessStream"

    (all paramater/streams you can type in single line, but you must declare by each stream/parameter you have.

    For example, by typing this code

    Public hyFeed1, hyFeed2, hyFeed3, hyFeed4 as ProcessStream

    only hyFeed4 is declared as processstream, but others are not declared as processstream (hyFeed1, hyFeed2 and hyFeed3)

    Your material streams code is not working, try this one

    Set hyFeed1 = hycase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("DRJ-01")
    Set hyFeed2 = hycase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("DRJ-02")
    Set hyFeed3 = hycase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("DRJ-03")
    Set hyFeed4 = hycase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.Item("DRJ-04")

  7. haha... you didn't read my post carefully...

  8. hei buddy. I think i need your help again. hehe. do you know how to call the length of pipe segment from hysys ?? I am struggling with that now. Thanks a lot.

  9. um..never tried before. but i think i'm gonna try that.

    btw, if you want to share your script in my blog, just let me know, i'll post your script here.

  10. haha. Let me know if u have succeed trying that things [=D]
    Oh, that sounds interesting. any email address that I can contact you??

  11. send me an email to akrsuryawan@yahoo.com


  12. Hey Alex, did you ever figure out how to call the length of a pipe segment or how to assign a cell (in excel) to set the eq-length value (in hysys)?

    Thank you for showing everything that you have!!!!!!

  13. Nice comment. I'll show you how to access pipe segment in hysys.

  14. Hello,
    I found your blog very usefull. But I got a problem. How to add a component to component list. I know how to create component list

    Dim EXHAUST_GAS As ComponentList
    Set EXHAUST_GAS = simCase.BasisManager.FluidPackages.Add("Component_list_1", "Pure")

    works for me, but I don't know how to add components to this list.

  15. Hi Wojciech Skrobek,

    Thank for your question and sorry for very late response. I'll make a post to answer your question.

  16. Hi, thank you very much for the tutorial. it is very helpful.
    I would like to ask about how can i see the list of variable in the hysys to be used on visual basic?
    i want to extract liquid,gas,and water volume flow from hysys to excel.
    i've tried
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D6").Value = FEED1.ActualGasFlow.GetValue("m3/h")
    but it does not work

  17. Thank you for a great tutorial! Maybe my question would suit better on you other post, "HYSYS TRAINING TO LINK HYSYS VALVE TO EXCEL", but comments seems to be disabled there. Do you know if it's possible to set Valve Opening from Excel and if yes which variable name to use? E.g. VALVE1.xx.SetValue OPENVALVE, "%", what is xx? Thanks!

  18. Thanks so much, the codes are absolutely helpful for a beginner like me. I am now trying to call for a stream number specified in a cell in Excel to be looked for in HYSYS, instead of directly specifying a particular HYSYS stream in VBA to call for the parameters.
    How can I write the codes to this? This will be very helpful in instances where I happen to import parameters from a range of HYSYS streams. It also will allow me to specifically call for the parameters of a group of selected HYSYS streams listed in Excel.

  19. thank you! it is very useful. Some one help me to write data to oil manager.

  20. Hello Sir,
    Your blog is very helpful.
    I need your help for linking excel to hysys. In my case, I am using a heater and I have to vary the heat load with time as well as the inlet and outlet pressure, temperature. I have 40 readings of heat load, pressure and temperature at different time step like 3 sec, 8 sec, 15 seconds and so on... can we simulate this type of problem in aspen hysys 7.1?

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  22. Anyone one knows how to export from excel to hysys controllers and digital points via vba?

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  39. Hello,

    im struggling to find the different phases within the Object browser, hence i can not connect to the specific phase values. Anyone know what could be the reason for this?

    Have checked the references and have ticked off almost all of the Aspen ones.

    thanks alot!
